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Writer's pictureChris Ulliott


Updated: Jun 30, 2022


We are now almost at the last stretch, the last quarter of the year. This has unquestionably been an absolute whirlwind of a year for the entire world. So much uncertainty and fear, and so much sadness and loss.

We can look back over the year and see everything that has been bad, gone wrong, how much hurt and anger there has been - and there has been so much. But if we are going to look at everything bad that has happened, and is still happening, we equally need to look at the good too. People are still falling in love, babies are still being born, new businesses are still being created, innovation and creativity are pushing our understanding of health more than ever before, people are making personal sacrifices for strangers, nature is still making people feel at peace, people are still finding ways to be happy. There is so much beauty happening in our world, even right now.

As this year has progressed, what have you accomplished? How have you used this unusual time to your benefit? I know there will likely have been bad things happening but were there also some good? Did you set any goals for this year? How have you done in progressing towards them? Did you have to change any of your plans?

Now that we are in the final stretch of this year I wonder if you are going to do the same things that you have been doing so far, or will you be making a change? Perhaps you need to change to save a business or a change to save a personal relationship? What could you do if you wanted to, to make something better? To make it stronger? To add more meaning, more joy, more happiness, more love, more creativity, or more gratitude into your life? Into the life of someone you care for? Into the life of someone you don’t even know?

Over the past 9 months businesses have moved online and are continuing to grow such as online education, restaurants have started doing deliveries, home renovations like creating gyms and gardens are being done, people are still getting married. You see just because it has been a difficult and problematic and in some cases devastating year it doesn’t mean we have to stop. If we are going to lead our own lives we need to set goals that excite us and do everything we can to achieve them.

So what are you going to do in the next 3 months to make a difference for you? For your family? For your friends and neighbours or town and city? Whoever you are, whatever your situation we can all reach out for something better. To believe in something better. Let the complainers be to themselves whilst we pick ourselves up and move on with belief and faith and certainty and excitement for what the next 3 months could hold for us.



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